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The meeting noted that manufacturing was a key support for the real economy

Source:Internet Author:This station Date:2017-06-15 Visits:705
  • The meeting noted that manufacturing was a key support for the real economy
  • The meeting noted that manufacturing was a key support for the real economy
  • The meeting noted that manufacturing was a key support for the real economy
  • The meeting noted that manufacturing was a key support for the real economy
  • The meeting noted that manufacturing was a key support for the real economy
  • The meeting noted that manufacturing was a key support for the real economy
  • The meeting noted that manufacturing was a key support for the real economy
  • The meeting noted that manufacturing was a key support for the real economy
  • The meeting noted that manufacturing was a key support for the real economy
  • The meeting noted that manufacturing was a key support for the real economy
  • The meeting noted that manufacturing was a key support for the real economy
  • The meeting noted that manufacturing was a key support for the real economy
  • The meeting noted that manufacturing was a key support for the real economy
  • The meeting noted that manufacturing was a key support for the real economy
  • The meeting noted that manufacturing was a key support for the real economy
The meeting pointed out that the manufacturing industry is the key support of the real economy. In accordance with the requirements of deepening the reform of streamlining administration and delegating power, combining decentralization with management, optimizing service, simplifying the production license and approval procedures of industrial products, and strengthening the responsibilities of departments and the main body of product quality and safety of enterprises, it is conducive to relaxing market access, stimulating social investment vitality, and promoting the quality upgrading of "made in China". After several rounds of reform, especially since 2015, we have continued to intensify the reform efforts. The production license of industrial products has been reduced from the initial 487 categories to the current 60 categories, and the preconditions for licensing have been cancelled substantially. The meeting decided to further reduce the production license according to the deployment of this year's government work report. For 19 kinds of products, such as water pipes and batteries, which can guarantee quality and safety through strengthening in-process and post event supervision, the pre production license will be cancelled; for products with stable quality, but closely related to mass consumption and directly related to human health and safety, such as electric blankets and motorcycle passenger helmets, compulsory certification will be carried out in accordance with international prevailing rules, and production license management will not be carried out any more. After the above adjustments, the number of products subject to production license management will be reduced to 38 categories. At the same time, for the eight kinds of chemical fertilizer products that still need to production license in some regions and industries. The product inspection link before certificate issuance shall be cancelled, and the enterprise shall submit the product inspection qualification report issued by a qualified inspection and testing institution instead. Change the pre review to post review. After the enterprise submits an application and makes a commitment to ensure product quality and safety, it can first obtain the production license and then accept the on-site review, and implement the principle of "license before verification". If the subsequent supervision finds that the requirements are not met, the license shall be revoked according to law. Third, strengthen the supervision during and after the event. According to the "double random" method, we will increase the intensity of spot check, increase the frequency and variety of spot check, and expand the coverage, especially for the products whose license management is cancelled this time.

According to the meeting, it is of great significance to implement the new development concept, accelerate the innovation of green financial system and mechanism, increase financial support for improving the ecological environment, saving and efficient utilization of resources, adjust the structure, transfer the mode and promote the construction of ecological civilization. It is also a solid implementation of the commitment of the Chinese government to the Paris Agreement, which should be highlighted according to the needs and explored and promoted in an orderly manner. The meeting decided to select parts of Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guizhou and Xinjiang provinces (regions) to build green financial reform and innovation pilot areas with different emphasis and characteristics, and explore replicable and generalizable experience in the system and mechanism. Main tasks: first, support financial institutions to set up green financial business units or green sub branches, and encourage small loans, financial leasing companies and other companies to participate in green financial business. Support venture capital, private fund and other domestic and foreign capital to participate in green investment. The second is to encourage the development of green credit, explore the mortgage financing of environmental rights and interests such as franchise rights, project income rights and emission rights. We will accelerate the development of green insurance and create new products of ecological and environmental liability insurance. Encourage green enterprises to support the issuance of green collective bonds of small and medium-sized enterprises by issuing bonds, listing and other financing. We will increase the support of green finance for green buildings and infrastructure construction in small and medium-sized cities and towns with special characteristics. The third is to explore the establishment of environmental rights and interests trading markets such as emission rights, water rights and energy use rights, establish information sharing platforms such as enterprise pollution emissions and Environmental Illegal records, and build a green credit system. We will promote and apply green payment tools such as electronic bills and mobile payments, and promote the construction of financial infrastructure such as green rating and index. Fourth, we should strengthen the policy support of Finance and taxation, land and talents, and establish a government service channel with priority to green industries and projects. Increase the support of local government bonds for public welfare green projects. By relaxing market access, pricing public services and other measures, we will improve the revenue and cost risk sharing mechanism. Fifth, we should establish a green financial risk prevention mechanism, improve the accountability system, and establish a green project investment and financing risk compensation mechanism in accordance with the law. Promote the formation of a healthy development model of green finance.

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