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What are the safety precautions for the insulation oil dielectric loss tester

Source:Shandong Ketong Author:Shandong Ketong Date:2020-03-25 Visits:802
What are the safety precautions of insulating oil dielectric loss tester

The dielectric loss tester of insulating oil has truly realized the full automation of dielectric strength measurement of insulating oil, making the original tedious and dangerous work safe and simple. Insulation oil dielectric loss tester adopts special software and hardware anti-interference measures to eliminate the crash phenomenon of similar competitive products. The new design reduces the volume to 1 / 2 of the original, which is convenient to carry to the site for use. Now Shandong Ketong Electric will introduce the safety precautions of insulating oil dielectric loss tester to you.

   1. Since this instrument is a special testing equipment for dielectric strength of insulating oil, it can not be used for other purposes. Users of non professional maintenance personnel are not allowed to open the case at will.


   3. In the process of boosting pressure, do not touch the instrument casually, so as to avoid high pressure danger.

   4. The special oil cup of this instrument shall not be dried at high temperature.