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Precautions for power frequency withstand voltage test

Source:Shandong Ketong Author:Shandong Ketong Date:2020-03-25 Visits:704
Precautions for power frequency withstand voltage test

According to the manufacturer of the withstand voltage tester, the high-voltage test transformer can effectively reduce the magnetic flux leakage, ensure the insulation strength and improve the moisture resistance. It has the characteristics of small volume, light weight, easy to carry, beautiful appearance, maintenance free and reliable performance. It is used in electric power, industrial and mining, scientific research and other departments to carry out power frequency withstand voltage test and DC leakage test on various high-voltage electrical equipment, electrical components and insulation materials, and it is an indispensable instrument in high-voltage test.

During the power frequency withstand voltage test, the tester shall do a good job in division of labor and define the contact method between them. A special person shall be appointed to monitor the safety of the site and observe the state of the test object. The tested object shall be cleaned and dried absolutely to avoid damaging the tested object and the error caused by the test. For large-scale test, air lift test should be carried out first. That is, when the test object is not connected, increase the voltage to the test voltage, calibrate various meters and adjust the ball gap.

The step-up speed of high-voltage test transformer shall not be too fast, and sudden pressurization shall be prevented. For example, when the voltage regulator is not at the zero position, it is suddenly closed. It is also not allowed to cut off the power supply suddenly. Generally, the switch should be opened when the voltage regulator drops to the zero position. When the voltage of the high-voltage test transformer rises to the test voltage, start timing. After 1min, quickly reduce the voltage to below 1 / 3 of the test voltage, and then turn on the power supply.

In the process of boosting or withstand voltage test of high-voltage test transformer, if the following abnormal conditions are found, immediately reduce the voltage and cut off the power supply. Stop the test and find out the reasons: ① the pointer of voltmeter swings greatly; ② the insulation is burnt or smoke is found; ③ there is abnormal sound in the tested object. The insulation resistance shall be measured before and after the withstand voltage test to check the insulation condition.