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Notes on the automatic transformer ratio tester

Source:Shandong Ketong Author:Shandong Ketong Date:2020-03-25 Visits:730
Notes on the automatic transformer ratio tester

Precautions for automatic transformer ratio tester:

1. Insurance 1 is 2a, insurance 2 is 0.5A. If the test line is short circuited and the high and low voltage are connected reversely, the fuse will be blown. After the fuse is blown, if the measurement is carried out, the display "measuring, please wait!" Stop later. Please shut down, replace the fuse with the same capacity and retest.

2. The connection shall be kept in good contact. The instrument should be well grounded!

3. The working place of the instrument shall be far away from the equipment with strong electric field, strong magnetic field and high frequency. The smaller the interference of power supply, the better. It is better to choose lighting line. If the interference of power supply is still large, AC purification power can supply power to the instrument. The capacity of AC purification power supply is more than 200va.

4. When the automatic transformer transformer ratio tester is working, if the LCD screen display is in disorder, press all the keys and there is no response, or the measured value is far from the actual value, press the reset key, or turn off the power supply, and then operate again.

5. There is no character display on the display, or the color is very light. Please adjust the brightness potentiometer to the appropriate position. The brightness potentiometer is a multi turn potentiometer, with 10 turns!

6. The instrument shall be stored in a dry and ventilated place. If it is not used for a long time or the environment is humid, the preheating time shall be extended before use to remove the moisture.

7. Use when debugging the communication port.

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