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  • KHR-3 type automatic microcomputer ash melting point tester

KHR-3 type automatic microcomputer ash melting point tester

Source:Shandong Ketong Author:Shandong Ketong Date:2020-03-17 Visits:822





Khr-3 automatic microcomputer ash melting point tester

Application scope of microcomputer ash melting point tester:

The microcomputer ash melting point tester is suitable for measuring the ash melting characteristics of various coals and coke. The process of ash fusibility measurement is automatically controlled by a microcomputer. The high-resolution USB industrial camera is selected. The ash pile image is displayed directly on the microcomputer. All the experimental images are recorded. After the prototype is selected, the computer automatically adjusts the brightness of the image to keep the image clear and natural all the time. It can judge and grasp the prototype temperature, softening temperature, hemispherical temperature and flow temperature of 1-3 patterns automatically and manually. At the same time, it can grab the real-time image corresponding to the temperature, and print the gray cone result image and corresponding temperature value. The image and temperature of the experimental process can be stored in the magnetic disk, and can be called out at any time for inspection and analysis. Ash melting point tester is widely used in laboratories of electric power, coal, cement, metallurgy and other industries.

Main features of the microcomputer ash melting point tester:

1. The temperature rise is controlled automatically by microcomputer, and the temperature rise characteristics meet the national standard gb219-96;

2. Using high-definition USB camera, the gray cone image is clear, and the visual gray cone image is displayed in the image acquisition area of the microcomputer display;

3. The system has the function of storing and calling test results;

4. Choose to print the gray melting point image and temperature value;

5. Adopt RS232 universal serial port communication, the system runs in Windows operating system.

6. Automatic judgment of characteristic melting temperature: deformation temperature (DT), softening temperature (st), hemispherical temperature (HT) and flow temperature (FT) four characteristic temperatures, which can be stored; the gray cone graph stored in the computer can be called out at any time for further inspection and analysis.

7. Display the gray cone image change process in real time, save and read freely;

8. Integrated structure, beautiful and easy to maintain.
