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KAD9509 ammonia nitrogen analyzer

Source:Shandong Ketong Author:Shandong Ketong Date:2020-03-17 Visits:815





Kad9509 ammonia nitrogen analyzer

Product model: kad9509

Instrument name: ammonia nitrogen analyzer

Manufacturer: Shandong Ketong Electric Technology Co., Ltd

Chapter I overview

Kad9509 ammonia nitrogen tester is a laboratory instrument (hereinafter referred to as ammonia nitrogen instrument). It is mainly used for the determination of ammonia nitrogen in industrial wastewater from thermal power plant, chemical industry, metallurgy, coking, gas, petrochemical industry, chemical fertilizer, tanning, paint, pigment and other fields.

The instrument adopts photoelectric colorimetric technology and its colorimeter adopts patented technology with high precision and strong anti-interference ability. The detection device is cold light source, long life and maintenance free. The display is dot matrix liquid crystal, all Chinese display, easy to operate. The electrical part adopts 32-bit super single chip technology, which has strong function and large storage capacity. New software design, humanized menu structure, easy to use.

Chapter II. Principle and structure

2.1 principle

Based on the principle of photoelectric colorimetry and Lambert Beer's law, when a beam of monochromatic parallel light passes through a colored solution, part of the light energy is absorbed by the solution. If the thickness of the liquid layer remains unchanged, the degree of absorption of the light energy (extinction E) is in direct proportion to the concentration of the colored substance in the solution. Its mathematical expression:

Where: I. : incident light intensity

1: Through the light

C: Concentration of colored substances

50: Thickness of colored liquid layer

K: Constant (related to solution property, wavelength of incident light, etc.)

Meaning of ammonia nitrogen

In natural surface water and underground water, nitrate nitrogen (NO3) is the main form, and free ammonia (NH3) and ammonium ion (NH4) are the main forms. Ammonia nitrogen in polluted water is called ammonia hydrate, which is also called non-ionic ammonia. Non-ionic ammonia is the main cause of aquatic biological toxicity, while ammonia ion is relatively non-toxic. For class III surface water in national standard, the concentration of non-ionic ammonia is ≤ 0.02 mg / L. Ammonia nitrogen is a nutrient in water body, which can lead to water eutrophication, is the main oxygen consumption pollutant in water body, and is toxic to fish and some aquatic organisms.. Ammonia nitrogen mainly comes from human and animal waste. The average nitrogen content in domestic sewage can reach 2.5-4.5 kg per person per year. Rainwater runoff and loss of agricultural fertilizer are also important sources of nitrogen. In addition, ammonia nitrogen also comes from industrial waste water such as chemical industry, metallurgy, petrochemical industry, paint and pigment, gas, coking, tanning, fertilizer, etc.

The basic solution of mercuric iodide and potassium iodide reacts with ammonia to form a light reddish brown colloidal compound. Its chromaticity is directly proportional to the ammonia nitrogen content. Generally, its absorbance can be measured and its content can be calculated in the wavelength range of 410-425nm

The minimum detection concentration of this method is 0.025mg/l (photometry) and the upper limit is 2mg / L. the minimum detection concentration is 0.02mg/l by visual colorimetry. After proper pretreatment of water sample, this method can be used for the determination of ammonia nitrogen in surface water, groundwater, industrial wastewater and domestic sewage.

2.2 structure

The instrument structure is shown in Figure 1:

A main board

Display / keyboard

Serial port (option)

Power Supply



Colorimetric dish

Sampling tank

Sewage disposal

Figure 1

The detection method of the ammonia nitrogen instrument is Nessler's Reagent Colorimetry. During the determination, the colored water sample is poured into the sample tank, and the absorbance is measured in the colorimetric dish. After the measurement data is calculated, the results are displayed on the LCD screen.

The instrument composition required for ammonia nitrogen measurement:

2.2.1 auxiliary vessels one 500ml Kjeldahl flask, nitrogen ball straight condensing pipe and connecting pipe

Prepared by the above customer Laboratory

2.2.2 one ammonia nitrogen instrument (kad9509 type) and one pH meter (provided by the customer's laboratory)

2.3 required reagents

There are 11 kinds of reagent solutions required for this ammonia nitrogen instrument

The third chapter. Technical parameters

Measurement range: 0.025 ~ 2mg / L

Basic error: ± 5% F.S

Repeatability: 5% F.S

Stability: ± 5% f.s/4h

Power supply: 220VAC / 50Hz, < 30W

Working conditions: ambient temperature 10 ℃ ~ 40 ℃

Relative humidity ≤ 85%

No strong vibration and corrosive gas

Sample conditions: water sample temperature 10 ℃ ~ 40 ℃

Diameter of insoluble substance in water sample ≤ 5 μ M

Size: 360 × 270 × 260 (mm) (L × h × w)

Weight: 5.2kg

Chapter IV. operation

4.1 installation

There are five steps:

① The instrument shall be placed horizontally on a stable workbench;

② Insert the injection tank into the corresponding position in the drawing;

③ Connect the sampling hose to the joint at the lower end of the water tank;

④ Connect the drain hose to the joint on the side of the water tank;

⑤ The instrument blowdown pipe shall be placed in a drooping way, and the waste water container with a capacity of more than 10L shall be placed under the pipe to receive water, and the pipe head shall not be submerged in the water.

Figure 2A outline drawing of diamond I type

Injection cup

Exhaust port

Sewage outlet

Power switch

Calibration handle

Cancel from v2007-c3.2

Front view

Back view

It shall meet the environmental conditions specified in this manual.

Front view

Back view

The overflow and drain pipes on the right side of the instrument shall be placed in a drooping way, and a container shall be placed under the pipes for water connection. Note: to ensure smooth drainage, do not insert the pipe head into the water. There are power sockets and switches at the back of the instrument. Plug in the 220VAC power cord, turn on the power, and the instrument will work.

Note: to ensure smooth drainage, do not insert the top of the pipe into the sewage bucket water.

There are power sockets and switches at the back of the instrument. Plug in the 220VAC power cord, turn on the power, and preheat the instrument for 5 minutes to work.

4.2 color development of water sample

Before the determination of the water sample to be measured, the reagent must be added to make it colored. See Appendix 1 for the preparation of the reagent. After the reagent is added, it shall be fully stirred and tested after 3 minutes.

4.3 operation

4.3.1 turn on the power switch of the instrument. The instrument first performs self inspection and automatically enters the measurement state after a few seconds. The accurate measurement usually takes 30 minutes after the power is turned on

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