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  • KGL-Ⅲ Special Online Ion Chromatographic Analysis System

KGL-Ⅲ Special Online Ion Chromatographic Analysis System

Source:Shandong Ketong Author:Shandong Ketong Date:2020-03-17 Visits:665





KGL - Ⅲ special on-line ion chromatography system

◆ system introduction

The existence of various ionic components in water vapor of thermal power plant is the direct cause of corrosion and salt accumulation in thermal system of unit, and when corrosion and salt accumulation develop to a certain extent, a malignant accident of pipe explosion will occur. In order to know the ion content of steam water accurately, the current conventional method is to use the ion chromatograph for measurement. However, due to its technical limitations, the conventional ion chromatograph at home and abroad can only be used in the laboratory. Its disadvantages are that the measurement is interrupted, the measurement data is not timely, the sample representation is not strong, and the laboratory instrument requires high environmental temperature and humidity and the technical level of operators.

KGL series on-line ion chromatography analysis system is developed by Shandong Ketong Electric Technology Co., Ltd. and Inner Mongolia Electric Power Research Institute. The system can continuously analyze and monitor the content of anion and cation in the water vapor medium, so that we can continuously adjust and control the water vapor quality according to the measurement results, so as to effectively control the salt accumulation and corrosion of the unit Happen.

◆ structural composition

The main body of the system adopts the cabinet structure which is placed independently. The cabinet is divided into two independent upper and lower layers. The upper layer is equipped with electronic measurement, control hardware, program software and display unit with industrial computer as the core. The lower layer is equipped with sample injection device, constant temperature system, ultra pure water generator, anion and cation suppressor, detector, controlled pump valve, water sample flow path and relevant locomotive structure. The device can configure measuring channels according to the needs of customers, and realize the monitoring of multiple measuring objects at the same time.

Display mode: industrial computer 17 "color LCD

Installation mode: floor mounted

External dimension: 1650 (H) × 900 (W) × 750 (T) mm

◆ technical performance

The system can simultaneously measure the total amount of cations and anions on-line, with the help of on-line identification system, and reflect the changes of the content of cations and anions in the boiler water vapor system in real time. The device also has the function of wireless remote transmission. We can see the measurement data of the device at any time on any computer and carry out simple operation. The device is mainly suitable for thermal power plant, especially for sub critical and above units.

The main performance parameters are as follows:

*Measurement range:

Cation content measurement range: 0-10-100-1000 μ g / kg

Anion content measurement range: 0-10-100-1000 μ g / kg

*Basic error:

Basic error of cation content: ± 1% F.S

Basic error of anion content: ± 1% F.S

Minimum outgoing line: 0.1 μ g / kg

Innovation points

*The ion chromatography technology is applied to on-line and continuous measurement. Under the principle of "special purpose", "on-line (continuous measurement)" and "industrial analytical instrument", the ion chromatography system

A set of new and innovative on-line industrial liquid-phase ion chromatography analysis and measurement device with new system structure is developed based on the actual situation of the power plant.

*Design and manufacture of special high-precision detection sensor (Patent No.: zl201220086123.8 \ zl201220083802. X). In order to ensure the measurement accuracy of the device, we have developed an ultra-small electrode

The electrode constant of constant sensor is j = 0.001cm-1. At present, the conventional electrode constant at home and abroad can only be j = 0.01cm-1.

*Modular design. According to the needs of users, multi-channel measurement and preparation can be carried out, and multi-channel water samples can be monitored at the same time.

*Innovation in information transmission and information sharing. For the first time, GPRS group wireless technology is applied in the water quality analysis device of power plant, so as to realize the transmission and sharing of measurement information, and to implement chemical technology

Technical Supervision lays the foundation for modern management. It also creates conditions for improving the utilization rate of the device, realizing remote software upgrade and remote technical service.

◆ technical achievements

*Up to now, the system has obtained one invention patent and two utility model patents

*Won the first prize of science and technology progress of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in 2015;

*Won the science and technology innovation achievement award of 2016 science and Technology Innovation Conference of Inner Mongolia power (Group) Co., Ltd;

*Represented Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in the 17th China International hi tech Fair held in Shenzhen;

*The project has passed the project appraisal organized by China Electrical Engineering Society and Inner Mongolia Science and technology department. The appraisal conclusion is that this achievement has novel conception, reasonable design, intuitive measurement results

The features of stable operation, small maintenance work and low operation cost provide reliable basis for water vapor quality supervision of thermal power units. This integrated innovation achievement is the first in China, and its comprehensive performance and technology have advanced international level.

Up to now, the device has been applied in more than 10 power generation enterprises, with a total sales of more than 20 sets, and the longest application time has been more than 5 years, and the field reaction effect is good.

Huadian Baotou Power Generation Company 2 × 600MW Huadian Donghua thermal power plant 2 × 300MW

Guodian Bulian power plant 2 × 660MW Huadian Wuda power plant 2 × 150MW

North United Power Baotou No.3 Power Plant 2 × 300MW Huadian tuyou power plant 2 × 600MW

Inner Mongolia Jingning power generation company 2 × 350MW Inner Mongolia Jingneng Shengle power generation company 2 × 350MW

Guohua Zhungeer Power Plant 4 × 330MW Inner Mongolia Ordos power generation company 4 × 300MW

North United Power Baotou No.2 thermal power plant 2 × 300MW North United Power Jinqiao thermal power plant 2 × 300MW

Inner Mongolia Jinglong power generation company 2 × 600MW Huadian road power generation company 2 × 300MW
