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What should I pay attention to during the use of the insulation oil voltage tester

Source:Shandong Ketong Author:Shandong Ketong Date:2020-03-25 Visits:749
What should be paid attention to in the process of using insulating oil withstand voltage tester

Shandong Ketong Electric Technology Co., Ltd. said that the insulation and withstand voltage tester is a withstand voltage test equipment designed according to the latest national power industry standards, which is used to test the insulation strength of various electrical products, electrical components, insulation materials, etc. under the specified voltage, to assess the insulation level of the products, find the insulation defects of the tested products, and measure the over-voltage ability.

The insulation and withstand voltage tester used in the production line is very frequent, especially the test line and test fixture are often in the active state, which is easy to cause the internal core wire to break and open, and generally not easy to find. As long as there is an open circuit at any point in the circuit, the high voltage output by the insulation withstand voltage tester cannot be added to the tested object. All these reasons will cause that during the withstand voltage strength test, the set high voltage is not really added to the tested object. Naturally, the current flowing through the tested object is almost zero at this time. Since the set value of the upper limit of the insulation withstand voltage tester is not exceeded, the instrument will give a prompt that the test is qualified and the insulation is qualified. But the test data in this case is not true. If there are defects in the insulation property of the tested object at this time, it will cause serious misjudgment.

How to avoid misjudgment

In the withstand voltage test, we all think that the smaller the leakage current is, the better. Therefore, many operators have not set the lower limit current (generally, the factory value is set to zero). If the above situation occurs, there is a possibility of misjudgment. At this time, setting the lower limit reasonably can solve this situation. When the withstand voltage meter is not connected to the object to be measured, there is a very small virtual current. We just need to set the lower limit current to a slightly higher value than the empty current. When there is an open circuit in the test circuit (such as the operator fails to connect the tested object or the test line is short cracked, etc.), because the leakage current value is less than the lower limit setting, the insulation withstand voltage tester will give an alarm prompt. Then we need to check whether there is an open circuit on the test line or the connection, so as to ensure the validity of the product test. In the insulation impedance test, there are also such problems. For general products, it is always considered that the greater the insulation resistance of the product is, the more qualified it is. However, if there is an open circuit between the insulating oil withstand voltage tester and the tested object, there will be the same misjudgment phenomenon. At this time, we can set the upper limit of insulation impedance to avoid this situation.

How to judge the situation prompted by the instrument alarm

A fully functional insulation and withstand voltage tester should provide the operator with sufficient information. When the instrument alarms, it can quickly provide some information close to the real situation to the operator to improve the production efficiency. Below we have rich project experience in providing customer related testing services. How can the operator fully understand whether the tested object is unqualified due to improper operation through the information provided by the instrument.