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Equipment Safety Description for Dielectric Strength Measuring Instrument

Source:Shandong Ketong Author:Shandong Ketong Date:2020-03-25 Visits:726
Safety instructions for dielectric strength tester equipment

Equipment safety instructions:

1. A separate protective ground wire shall be installed for the dielectric strength tester, mainly to reduce the strong electromagnetic interference on the surrounding when the sample is broken down. It can also avoid the control computer out of control.

2. DC test discharge alarm function: when the equipment completes DC test, when the test door is opened, the equipment will automatically alarm until the alarm will be automatically cancelled after the discharge device on the equipment is used,

Do not take the electrode directly to remind the user to discharge so as to avoid personal injury).

3. Add the test manual discharge device, which is integrated with the main engine. When the power is cut off suddenly during the DC test, the manual discharge rod can be used to discharge to ensure the personal safety of the test personnel.

4. The circuit of the test equipment is equipped with a number of protection measures, mainly including: overcurrent protection, voltage loss protection, leakage protection, short circuit protection, DC test discharge

Protection, etc.