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Operating instruction for kinematic viscosity tester

Source:Shandong Ketong Author:Shandong Ketong Date:2020-03-25 Visits:789
Operation manual of kinematic viscosity tester
Kinematic viscosity tester is a fully automatic testing instrument for measuring kinematic viscosity of transparent or opaque fluid. Do you know how to operate it? Let Shandong Ketong Electric Technology Co., Ltd. introduce the operation manual of kinematic viscosity tester to us.
1. Place the instrument: place the kinematic viscosity tester on the horizontal desktop, and place the bathtub and heat preservation cover between the base and the upper cover smoothly. Connect the ground wire
2. Loading medium: add proper amount of water or other medium into the bathtub, so that the liquid level is about 20 mm from the cylinder edge
3. Temperature setting: press the cursor key to move the cursor, then press the cursor key to move the cursor to the number of digits to be modified, and press to select the modified temperature
4. Capillary coefficient setting: press the cursor key to move the cursor, then press the cursor position selection key to move the cursor to the number of digits to be modified, and press Select to modify the viscometer constant.

5. Setting of date and time: press the line feed key to move the cursor, then press the bit selection key to move the cursor to the number of digits to be modified, and press to select the modification time. After the above parameters are set, press the confirm key to confirm, the kinematic viscosity tester will store the modified data, and then press the return key to return to the main interface to prepare the test sample.
