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Matters needing attention in the use of automatic acid value tester

Source:Shandong Ketong Author:Shandong Ketong Date:2020-03-25 Visits:712
Precautions for use of automatic acid value tester

Shandong Ketong Electric Technology Co., Ltd. introduces that in order to standardize the correct operation of the full-automatic acid value tester and facilitate the use of operators, the following is to introduce the precautions for the use of the full-automatic acid value tester.

1. Buret and electrode tube shall be washed with ethanol before each use, and they shall also be washed with ethanol before being put into corresponding pipe sleeves for mixing.

2. The amount of lithium chloride ethanol saturated solution must not exceed the glass electrode.

3. Buret and electrode tube should be handled with care to prevent breakage.

4. When measuring, the liquid in the beaker shall not be too little and must not pass through the ground glass of the electrode.

5. The matching stirrer must be used when mixing, or the buret and glass electrode will be damaged easily.

6. The beaker should be placed in the center of the mixing table, or there will be a big noise when mixing.

7. Select low concentration when the volume of standard solution consumed by oil sample is less than 0.1ml, and high concentration when the volume of standard solution consumed by oil sample is more than 0.1ml.