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State Grid Interpretation of Electrical Safety Accidents

Source:Shandong Ketong Author:Shandong Ketong Date:2020-03-25 Visits:765

Interpretation of electric power safety accident regulations by State Grid

In order to prevent electric power safety accidents and build up safety dykes for enterprises, it is necessary to understand the formulation background of the regulations and enhance the effectiveness of safety work. On December 29, 2002, the reform of the power system with the separation of power grid and power plant was carried out. The power industry system of our country changed greatly, and the power safety supervision and management also changed accordingly. The notice of the general office of the State Council on strengthening electric power safety issued on December 5, 2003 authorizes the State Electricity Regulatory Commission to be specifically responsible for electric power safety supervision and management, and the State Administration of work safety is responsible for comprehensive management. On December 28, 2004, the Electricity Regulatory Commission issued the Interim Provisions on the investigation of electric power production accidents, which, as the provisions on the investigation of industrial accidents, followed the way of defining electric power system accidents, and defined electric power production accidents as three categories and three levels (person, power grid, equipment; extra large, major and general), including person

The accident shall be investigated in accordance with the relevant regulations of the state. The electric power regulatory commission shall be responsible for the investigation of major grid accidents, major grid accidents and major equipment accidents. The accident unit shall be responsible for the investigation of general grid accidents and equipment accidents.

On April 9, 2007, the State Council promulgated the regulations on the reporting, investigation and handling of production safety accidents (Order No. 493 of the State Council), which shall come into force as of June 1, 2007. According to the regulations, the accident level is divided into four levels, i.e. special major accident, major accident, major accident and general accident; the level of identified accident is defined by three standards: the number of deaths, the number of serious injuries and direct economic losses; the level of special major accident is investigated by the State Council or relevant departments authorized by the State Council; the level of major accident, major accident and general accident is investigated by provinces, cities and counties Governments at all levels organize investigations. After the implementation of the regulations on production safety accidents, the regulations on the classification, investigation and treatment of personal accidents in the power industry shall be implemented; the classification, investigation and treatment of power grid accidents and equipment accidents shall continue to implement the Interim Provisions on investigation of power production accidents issued by the Electric Power Regulatory Commission.

In March 2007, the Electric Power Regulatory Commission launched the formulation of regulations on emergency response and investigation of electric power safety accidents. In December 2010, the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council discussed and adopted the regulations (Draft) in principle. On June 15, 2011, the executive meeting of the State Council deliberated and passed the regulations (Draft) in principle. On July 7, order No. 599 of the State Council officially promulgated the regulations on emergency handling and investigation and handling of electric power safety accidents, which will be implemented from September 1, 2011.

In accordance with the characteristics of power production and grid operation, the regulations prescribe the emergency disposal, investigation and treatment of power safety accidents that affect the safe and stable operation of power system or the normal supply of power. At the same time, the Regulations stipulates that for the accidents that affect the safe and stable operation of the power system or the normal supply of electric power and cause casualties at the same time, they shall be investigated and dealt with in accordance with the provisions of these regulations, but if the number of casualties constitutes a major accident or a particularly major accident as stipulated in order 493 of the State Council, they shall be investigated and dealt with in accordance with the provisions of order 493; if the power generation or transmission and transformation equipment is damaged If an accident causing direct economic losses does not affect the safe and stable operation of the power system and the normal supply of power, the power regulatory authority shall organize an accident investigation team to investigate and deal with it in accordance with the provisions of order 493.

In order to prevent electric power safety accidents and build up safety dykes for enterprises, we must be clear about the major adjustment of the regulations and enhance the pertinence of safety work.

The regulations are formulated to strengthen the emergency disposal of electric power safety accidents, standardize the investigation and handling of electric power safety accidents, and control, reduce and eliminate the damage of electric power safety accidents. Compared with the 493 order of the State Council, the regulations have made more clear and specific provisions in terms of accident level, accident report, accident investigation, accident handling, legal liability, etc., which are important legal documents guiding the work of power grid safety.

First, the accident classification was adjusted. With the promulgation and implementation of the regulations, the casualties, direct economic losses and power safety accidents related to electric power production are all unified to the level of the regulations of the State Council, and the classification level of electric power production accidents is significantly adjusted. The electric power production accidents are divided into three categories, three levels (person, power grid, equipment; extra large, major, general), and three categories, four levels (person, power grid, equipment) Among them, personal and equipment accidents shall be subject to the regulations of the State Council on reporting, investigation and handling of production safety accidents, and electric power safety accidents shall be subject to these regulations.
    The second is to adjust the accident classification standard. According to the power grid hierarchy and administrative divisions, the regulations divides the power grid into regional power grid, provincial power grid, municipal power grid directly under the central government, provincial capital city power grid, other city power grid divided into districts and county-level city power grid. In addition to regional power grid and municipal power grid directly under the central government, other power grids are divided according to the power supply load. The main standard for determining the accident level is the reduction caused by power grids at all levels in the accident The proportion of power supply and load, or the proportion of customers with urban power grid outage. For different levels of power grid, the highest level of accident shall be determined. The determination items of particularly serious accidents are the load reduction ratio of regional power grid, provincial power grid, power grid of municipalities directly under the central government and power grid of capital cities, or the power outage ratio of power supply customers of municipalities directly under the central government and capital cities directly under the central government. The major accidents shall be determined as the proportion of load reduction of regional power grid, provincial power grid, municipal power grid, provincial capital city power grid and other city power grid divided into districts, or the proportion of power outage of power supply customers of the municipality directly under the central government, provincial capital city and other city divided into districts. In addition to the above-mentioned load reduction ratio of power grid and the power outage ratio of urban power supply customers, the judgment items of major accidents and general accidents also include the load reduction ratio and power outage ratio of power supply customers of county-level city, the impact and duration of power plant (station) external power outage caused by safety failure of power plant or substation, the time and consequences of power unit shutdown due to safety failure, and the heating machine The time when the group stops heating.

Third, the authority of accident investigation was adjusted. The regulations clearly stipulate the investigation authority of different accident levels, organization of accident investigation, time limit of accident investigation, contents of accident investigation report, technical appraisal and evaluation in accident investigation, procedures for ending accident investigation, implementation, supervision and inspection of accident prevention and rectification measures, etc. Among them, the State Council or the department authorized by the State Council shall organize an accident investigation team for investigation of especially serious accidents; the power regulatory authority under the State Council shall organize an accident investigation team for investigation of major accidents; the power regulatory authority in the place where the accident occurs shall organize an accident investigation team for investigation of major accidents and ordinary accidents, and the power regulatory authority under the State Council may organize accidents if it deems necessary The investigation team shall investigate major accidents; if there is no general accident resulting in power failure of power supply customers, the power regulatory authority in the place where the accident occurred may also entrust the unit where the accident occurred to investigate and deal with it. The promulgation of the regulations has raised the level of accident investigation. In case of major and major accidents, the State Council and the State Electricity Regulatory Commission shall conduct accident investigation.

The regulations have adjusted the emergency response to accidents. According to the regulations, the power regulatory authority under the State Council and the local people's Government shall organize the preparation of emergency plans for power grid blackouts, and the power enterprises shall formulate emergency plans for their own accidents. The regulation regulates the main principles and measures for emergency disposal of electric power safety accidents. After the accident, relevant power enterprises and power dispatching organizations shall take emergency measures to repair power facilities and control the scope of the accident; power regulatory organizations, local people's governments and relevant departments shall start corresponding emergency plans and organize emergency disposal in relevant fields; if the accident causes power supply interruption to important power customers, important power customers shall start their own emergency power supply Power grid enterprises shall provide necessary support; in the process of accident disposal, information such as the scope of influence of the accident, the progress of disposal work and the estimated time of power supply restoration shall be uniformly, accurately and timely released.

The regulations also specify accident reports. The regulations require that after an accident occurs, it shall be reported immediately to the power dispatching authority at the next higher level, the person in charge of the enterprise, the power regulatory authority at the place where the accident occurs, the work safety supervision and administration department and the competent government department. The regulations prescribe the accident reporting responsibilities of relevant personnel at the scene of the accident, the person in charge of the enterprise, the power dispatching authority and the power regulatory authority, as well as the reporting objects and contents. The regulations also stipulate the protection of the accident site and the storage and transfer of relevant materials and materials after the accident. For particularly serious accidents and major accidents, the electric power regulatory authority under the State Council shall report to the State Council, and notify the work safety regulatory authority under the State Council, the competent energy authority under the State Council and other relevant departments.

At the same time, the regulations re divide the legal liability. The regulations stipulate the legal liability basically consistent with the regulations on production safety accidents. The corresponding legal responsibilities and punishment provisions have been made clear for the electric power enterprise, the person in charge of the electric power enterprise, the electric power regulatory authority, the relevant local people's government and other relevant departments responsible for the supervision and management of production safety. In the regulations, the main persons in charge of electric power enterprises involved in accidents are provided with severe punishment clauses such as economic fines, administrative sanctions and criminal investigation.

In order to prevent electric power safety accidents and build up safety dykes for enterprises, we should accurately grasp the spiritual essence of the regulations, enhance the execution of safety work, and put an end to major safety accidents.

"Regulations" is the first administrative regulation specially regulating the emergency disposal, investigation and handling of electric power safety accidents in our country. It is the basic basis and legal criterion that electric power enterprises, electric power regulatory agencies and relevant parties must follow to dispose and handle electric power safety accidents, involving all aspects and links of electric power safety accident handling.

The company has put forward specific requirements for the implementation of the regulations and made clear the next step of work safety ideas.

In order to prevent electric power safety accidents and build up safety dykes for enterprises, we must accurately grasp the

   In March 2007, the Electric Power Regulatory Commission launched the formulation of regulations on emergency response and investigation of electric power safety accidents. In December 2010, the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council discussed and adopted the regulations (Draft) in principle. On June 15, 2011, the executive meeting of the State Council deliberated and passed the regulations (Draft) in principle. On July 7, order No. 599 of the State Council officially promulgated the regulations on emergency handling and investigation and handling of electric power safety accidents, which will be implemented from September 1, 2011.

In accordance with the characteristics of power production and grid operation, the regulations prescribe the emergency disposal, investigation and treatment of power safety accidents that affect the safe and stable operation of power system or the normal supply of power. At the same time, the Regulations stipulates that for the accidents that affect the safe and stable operation of the power system or the normal supply of electric power and cause casualties at the same time, they shall be investigated and dealt with in accordance with the provisions of these regulations, but if the number of casualties constitutes a major accident or a particularly major accident as stipulated in order 493 of the State Council, they shall be investigated and dealt with in accordance with the provisions of order 493; if the power generation or transmission and transformation equipment is damaged If an accident causing direct economic losses does not affect the safe and stable operation of the power system and the normal supply of power, the power regulatory authority shall organize an accident investigation team to investigate and deal with it in accordance with the provisions of order 493.

In order to prevent electric power safety accidents and build up safety dykes for enterprises, we must be clear about the major adjustment of the regulations and enhance the pertinence of safety work.

The regulations are formulated to strengthen the emergency disposal of electric power safety accidents, standardize the investigation and handling of electric power safety accidents, and control, reduce and eliminate the damage of electric power safety accidents. Compared with the 493 order of the State Council, the regulations have made more clear and specific provisions in terms of accident level, accident report, accident investigation, accident handling, legal liability, etc., which are important legal documents guiding the work of power grid safety.

First, the accident classification was adjusted. With the promulgation and implementation of the regulations, the casualties, direct economic losses and power safety accidents related to electric power production are all unified to the level of the regulations of the State Council, and the classification level of electric power production accidents is significantly adjusted. The electric power production accidents are divided into three categories, three levels (person, power grid, equipment; extra large, major, general), and three categories, four levels (person, power grid, equipment) Among them, personal and equipment accidents shall be subject to the regulations of the State Council on reporting, investigation and handling of production safety accidents, and electric power safety accidents shall be subject to these regulations.

The second is to adjust the accident classification standard. According to the power grid hierarchy and administrative divisions, the regulations divides the power grid into regional power grid, provincial power grid, municipal power grid directly under the central government, provincial capital city power grid, other city power grid divided into districts and county-level city power grid. In addition to regional power grid and municipal power grid directly under the central government, other power grids are divided according to the power supply load. The main standard for determining the accident level is the reduction caused by power grids at all levels in the accident The proportion of power supply and load, or the proportion of customers with urban power grid outage. For different levels of power grid, the highest level of accident shall be determined. The determination items of particularly serious accidents are the load reduction ratio of regional power grid, provincial power grid, power grid of municipalities directly under the central government and power grid of capital cities, or the power outage ratio of power supply customers of municipalities directly under the central government and capital cities directly under the central government. The major accidents shall be determined as the proportion of load reduction of regional power grid, provincial power grid, municipal power grid, provincial capital city power grid and other city power grid divided into districts, or the proportion of power outage of power supply customers of the municipality directly under the central government, provincial capital city and other city divided into districts. In addition to the above-mentioned load reduction ratio of power grid and the power outage ratio of urban power supply customers, the judgment items of major accidents and general accidents also include the load reduction ratio and power outage ratio of power supply customers of county-level city, the impact and duration of power plant (station) external power outage caused by safety failure of power plant or substation, the time and consequences of power unit shutdown due to safety failure, and the heating machine The time when the group stops heating.

Third, the authority of accident investigation was adjusted. The regulations clearly stipulate the investigation authority of different accident levels, organization of accident investigation, time limit of accident investigation, contents of accident investigation report, technical appraisal and evaluation in accident investigation, procedures for ending accident investigation, implementation, supervision and inspection of accident prevention and rectification measures, etc. Among them, the State Council or the department authorized by the State Council shall organize an accident investigation team for investigation of especially serious accidents; the power regulatory authority under the State Council shall organize an accident investigation team for investigation of major accidents; the power regulatory authority in the place where the accident occurs shall organize an accident investigation team for investigation of major accidents and ordinary accidents, and the power regulatory authority under the State Council may organize accidents if it deems necessary The investigation team shall investigate major accidents; if there is no general accident resulting in power failure of power supply customers, the power regulatory authority in the place where the accident occurred may also entrust the unit where the accident occurred to investigate and deal with it. The promulgation of the regulations has raised the level of accident investigation. In case of major and major accidents, the State Council and the State Electricity Regulatory Commission shall conduct accident investigation.

The regulations have adjusted the emergency response to accidents. According to the regulations, the power regulatory authority under the State Council and the local people's Government shall organize the preparation of emergency plans for power grid blackouts, and the power enterprises shall formulate emergency plans for their own accidents. The regulation regulates the main principles and measures for emergency disposal of electric power safety accidents. After the accident, relevant power enterprises and power dispatching organizations shall take emergency measures to repair power facilities and control the scope of the accident

   The company has put forward specific requirements for the implementation of the regulations and made clear the next step of work safety ideas.

In order to prevent electric power safety accidents and build up safety dykes for enterprises, we must accurately grasp the spiritual essence of the regulations, enhance understanding, execution and operation, take prevention of large-scale blackout as the primary task of safety work, put prevention of accidents in a more prominent position, take solid and effective measures, and resolutely prevent major and extra serious safety accidents.

First, we should thoroughly study and implement the regulations. In depth analysis of the impact of the implementation of the regulations on safety production, revision of safety management, technical support, equipment management, emergency rescue, information submission, supervision and assessment, accountability and other aspects of the system, measures and plans, to ensure the orderly connection with the regulations. According to the standards and requirements of the regulations, from the aspects of power grid planning, design and selection, infrastructure construction, production and operation, the hidden dangers of accidents shall be investigated, accident risks shall be analyzed, rectification measures and schemes shall be formulated and implemented, so as to achieve the implementation of the five aspects of governance responsibility, governance measures, governance funds, governance period and emergency plan.

Second, we need to establish a hierarchical risk prevention and control mechanism. According to the accident classification levels and standards stipulated in the regulations, establish a hierarchical safety risk prevention and control system, dynamically sort out the weak links and existing problems of power grid safety, comprehensively assess the power grid safety risks, formulate and implement targeted measures, improve the level of power grid safety risk prevention and control, and form a safety risk prevention and control mechanism that connects the upper and lower levels and is responsible for them level by level.

Third, ensure the safe and stable operation of the power grid. In view of the higher requirements of the regulations for the safe operation of large power grid, we should strengthen the safety process management of power grid, and pay attention to the implementation of responsibilities and measures.

Fourth, we need to ensure the reliable power supply of urban power grid. Accelerate the planning and construction of urban power distribution network, and incorporate the relevant requirements of the regulations into the technical principles and planning evaluation index system of urban power grid planning. Strengthen the connection between the urban power grid and the main network, and improve the ability of the urban power grid to resist natural disasters and serious faults. At the same time, reasonably divide the power supply area, balance the load distribution, optimize the connection mode, improve the power supply reliability of the urban distribution network, reduce the load loss and avoid the accident risk. We will continue to investigate and sort out the power supply security risks of high-risk enterprises and important customers, such as electrified railway, coal mine, non coal mine, chemical industry, etc., further rectify the power grid side risks, implement power supply guarantee measures and emergency repair plans, and ensure the safe and reliable power supply of important customers.

Fifth, we need to strengthen the management of security basis and details. We will pay more attention to detail management and basic management to ensure grid security in a strict, detailed and practical manner. At the same time, the security of power grid is systematic, overall and long-term, involving planning and design, equipment procurement, construction, commissioning and operation, maintenance, team building, scientific and technological support and other aspects. All departments need to consolidate the security foundation and jointly guarantee the security of power grid.

Sixthly, we need to comprehensively improve the capacity of emergency support. We should fully consider all kinds of emergencies and extreme situations, further improve the emergency plan system, and establish a sound emergency response mechanism. Accelerate the interconnection construction of emergency command centers at all levels of the company, strengthen the professional training of emergency personnel, establish a complete and efficient emergency response mechanism and a competent emergency team, carry out various targeted practical drills, and comprehensively improve the emergency support capacity. In response to severe weather and natural disasters, timely release disaster warning information, effectively organize emergency response, minimize the impact of disasters, and effectively fulfill the responsibilities of enterprises.

Information source: Internet | release date: September 2, 2011
