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Analytical Test Principle of Voltage Test Instrument

Source:Shandong Ketong Author:Shandong Ketong Date:2020-03-25 Visits:703

The test of withstand voltage instrument is to expose a product to a very bad electrical environment. If the product can maintain normal conditions in this bad electrical environment, it can be determined that it can also maintain very normal conditions in the normal environment. Generally, after product design, production, quality assurance and maintenance, pressure tester test is required to ensure that the products meet the safety 

standards in all links. Different products have different technical specifications. The withstand voltage tester basically tests by adding a voltage higher than the normal working voltage to the product. This voltage must last for a specified period of time. If the leakage current of a component is kept within the specified range within the specified time, it can be determined that the component operates under normal conditions, which should be 

working voltage or over-voltage, and then check whether the insulation performance of product equipment meets the safety standards.

If the leakage current of an insulator of the tested equipment is kept within the specified range within the specified time, it can be determined that the tested equipment can operate safely under normal operating conditions. When the pressure tester is tested, the measurement standards are different for the tested products with different technical specifications. For general tested equipment, the withstand voltage tester is used to measure the leakage current between the live wire and the shell. The basic rule is: take twice the working voltage of the tested object plus 1000V as the standard voltage for testing. The test voltage of some products may be higher than the specified value. According to iec61010, the test voltage must gradually rise to the required test voltage value within 5S to ensure that the test voltage value is stably added to the tested insulator for not less than 5S. At this time, the leakage current value of the tested circuit is compared with the leakage current threshold specified in the standard, so as to judge whether the insulation performance of the tested product meets the standard. After the test, the test voltage must gradually drop to zero within the specified time.
