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methanol or formaldehyde in food? Gas chromatography makes tables safer

Source:Shandong Ketong Author:Shandong Ketong Date:2020-03-25 Visits:743

Although "methanol" and "formaldehyde" are just a word difference, there is still a certain gap in terms of effectiveness, harm, limit regulations and food testing. For this reason, Lu Chuang instrument chromatography engineer has a special understanding. It is understood that "methanol" or "formaldehyde" exists in drinks, aquatic products, vermicelli and other products. Because of its great harm to human body, it is strictly limited and forbidden by the state. At the same time, the use of gas chromatograph and food formaldehyde detector also makes people's table food safer.

Accurate and reliable determination of methanol content by gas chromatograph

                          . In fact, methanol in liquor is detected to exceed the standard, which is harmful. It is understood that methanol is toxic to human body, especially nervous system and blood vessels. Therefore, the state has strict requirements for the limit of methanol in liquor, for example, the methanol content in the liquor with cereal as raw material should not exceed 0.04g/100ml, so as to ensure the normal drinking safety of liquor.

                       . On the other hand, the advanced detector, such as methanol detector, drinking alcohol detector, methanol gas chromatograph, etc., shall be used to strictly control the methanol in the drinking water to avoid exceeding the national limit value requirements. Moreover, the relevant departments of the state also have strict requirements for liquor detection indicators, including alcohol, methanol, lead, total acid, total ester, etc. The detection of methanol in liquor is essential.

As a precision instrument, the gas chromatograph can be used to detect the methanol content in liquor. First, take a certain amount of solution and put it into 100ml of constant volume water for mixing, and then after a series of distillation, cooling and other operations, put the solution into the gas chromatograph, and finally conduct quantitative analysis according to the generated chromatogram. Due to the strict limit of methanol in liquor, the high accuracy of gas chromatograph is required. At present, most of the gas chromatographs on the market are composed of new integrated digital electronic circuits, which have high detection accuracy and good stability, and ensure that the detection of methanol content in liquor is accurate and reliable.

Fast and efficient formaldehyde detector for food

                    . Formaldehyde, like hydrogen peroxide, can be used as preservative, or may be abused in aquatic products, bean products, fans, etc., mainly to prevent products from spoiling and deterioration, change their color, so as to better sell. However, because formaldehyde is listed in the list of carcinogens, which is harmful to human body, it is strictly forbidden to be used as a preservative in food by the state and attaches great importance to formaldehyde detection.

                      ? At present, in addition to the gas chromatograph is completely available, there are formaldehyde rapid detector and spectrophotometer on the market that can be used for the detection of formaldehyde in food.

It is understood that the formaldehyde rapid detector introduced by some domestic enterprises has the advantages of fast detection speed and high accuracy. It can detect multiple food samples at a time, and the detection results can be obtained in about 20 minutes.

To sum up, methanol in liquor, formaldehyde in aquatic products, fans and other products all affect food safety to varying degrees and cause certain harm to the body. In the current situation of food safety, as well as the state's attention to the impact of methanol and formaldehyde on food safety, it is urgent to protect people's table food safety. Among them, methanol gas chromatograph, food formaldehyde rapid detector and other instruments will play an increasingly important role.
